One of the central themes found in the bible is that of faithfulness. There is a Latin term that has been adopted by many groups and entities to convey the importance of faithfulness. The term is Semper Fidelis, which means “always faithful” or “always loyal.” A shortened version has been adopted by the United States Marine Corp as its motto, simply – Semper Fi. However, there is not a group that this term applies to more than the Church of God.
The following three observations will keep things in perspective and help us remain faithful to God throughout our lives.
We are faithful in good and bad times
Faithfulness is not dependent on circumstances. This is something we must have clear in our minds. Trials and tests come and go, but faithfulness remains constant through all. Our faithfulness is to God and the covenant relationship He established with each of us individually. Faithfulness will help us balance out life’s ups and downs.
Although we endure difficulties now, our trials and difficulties are specific to us individually and are necessary for the refining process. 1 Peter 1: 6-7 explains that various trials test the genuineness of our faith, a quality more precious than gold, tried in the fire.
We are faithful for life
Faithfulness is judged by what comes at the end of our race, rather than in the beginning or during the race. Paul’s emphasis in his epistles is always on finishing the race. Life is a long road, without question, and time is an equalizer and shows what we are made of. Faithfulness is somewhat of an “end game” frame of mind. Abraham understood this and knew that trials and test come with being a stranger and a pilgrim on this earth. But the faithfulness of Abraham and all of God’s people that have preceded us, never failed. Hebrews 11:14-16 discusses the reward that awaits them for their faithfulness.
We are faithful for those in the future
Our calling is not solely about our salvation, in fact, it is more important to those who follow us, who did not have their opportunity for salvation in their former lives. Keeping this in mind will broaden our field of vision to consider our impact on the future of mankind. Paul explains in Romans 8:19-21, that the whole creation will be delivered from bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
This glorious future will keep us going in the darkest of times because our focus is on those who depend on our being faithful to the end. We have been called to be faithful. Life can be difficult at times as we go through various trials and disappointments that can test our faithfulness. Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed and want out. When that happens, remember – we are faithful through good and bad times, faithful for our entire life, and faithful for those in the future. And remember one other thing – Semper Fi.
Bill Welch