Even within Christian churches that look fairly homogeneous doctrinally-speaking, we can find diverse attitudes. For example, there are currents of more liberal or fundamentalist approaches to religious practice. One such current that can be problematic within churches is self-rightness. I don’t mean the arrogant presumption that one is perfect. I mean the tendency to let “righteousness” become an idol. It’s an easy trap for any of us to fall into so we need to examine our motives … [Read more...] about The Purpose of Righteousness
Adjusting Our Focus
All around us the world is coming unraveled. Many elements of our society believe right is wrong and wrong is right. Morality of any form is out the door as a basis for all our institutions. Our economies have been pushed into the worst recession in a generation, with our government convinced that they can spend their way out of debt. Food supply disruptions causing shortages could result in millions of deaths this year alone in the poorest of countries. It is easy for … [Read more...] about Adjusting Our Focus
The True Nature of God’s Governance
As followers of Christ, we need to understand the true nature of God's governance within the God Family and to practice it correctly. We also need to define and develop an understanding of how God intends His 'shepherds' to nurture and feed Christ’s flock in accord with the spiritual nature of governance (1 Peter 5:1–4). The Apostle Peter, to whom Jesus said, “tend and feed my sheep,” teaches us to clothe ourselves with humility toward one another (1 Peter 5:5). Peter’s instruction reminds us … [Read more...] about The True Nature of God’s Governance
The Purpose of the Church
Humanity has lost the story that connects us all. There is a lot of noise, but no context to give life meaning. So, we drift through life without a true meaningful purpose — a story that connects us to something bigger than we are. Aristotle observed, “When the storytelling in a culture goes bad, the result is decadence.” We see all around us the result of the collapse of mankind’s story. We have tried to replace it with small, narcissistic stories that have no lasting impact. It has turned us … [Read more...] about The Purpose of the Church
The Government of God
The Kingdom of God is ruled solely by the government of God and has a direct bearing on the developing Plan of Salvation for mankind. Due to the rejection of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, man took to himself the right to decide what was right and what was wrong. This has led to the development of erroneous perspectives on government and the use of authority, along with many other aspects of life. Human nature does not want to submit to God’s authority, so wrong concepts of government … [Read more...] about The Government of God
Life After Death
The concepts of heaven and hell require that a person lives in some form after death. You don’t really die. Both heaven and hell are places where people live for eternity. If you wanted an expert in the field of going to heaven, I doubt you could do better than Billy Graham. He says: “Heaven for the Christian will be a place of glorious life that will never end. Joy inexpressible, limitless peace, pure love, beauty beyond description – that’s what heaven is. Greatest of all … [Read more...] about Life After Death
Being the People of God
What is the Church, and why does it matter?” The answer to that question very much depends on the narrative that one places himself into. What is the story that surrounds our life? Secular narrative is evolutionary where all change is progress. Anything that’s happening must necessarily be contributing to the betterment, the evolution, the growth of this naturally occurring world. This concept, however, does not present those who adhere to it a sense of purpose. Christians who adhere … [Read more...] about Being the People of God