Jacob was the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. After God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, the descendants of Jacob’s 12 sons became the biblical nation of ancient Israel. God made specific promises to the people of Israel in terms of their behavior: Blessings for obedience, but if Israel failed to obey God, then the status of power and wealth God promised to bless them with would be removed. In Deuteronomy there is a beautiful description of what God promised He would do for … [Read more...] about Jacob’s Trouble
Being the People of God
What is the Church, and why does it matter?” The answer to that question very much depends on the narrative that one places himself into. What is the story that surrounds our life? Secular narrative is evolutionary where all change is progress. Anything that’s happening must necessarily be contributing to the betterment, the evolution, the growth of this naturally occurring world. This concept, however, does not present those who adhere to it a sense of purpose. Christians who adhere … [Read more...] about Being the People of God
The Beast World Order
This year promises to be a difficult year if the last twelve months are any indication. It doesn’t appear that there’s going to be any let up in some of the catastrophic events that have been occurring. The message that God gave ancient Israel through Hosea resonates very well for Christians today. It is a message that makes it quite easy to make a comparison between what ancient Israel was being told then and what we see around us today. Hosea gets a little specific, but very apropos … [Read more...] about The Beast World Order
China and Russia in Prophecy
There is a lot of talk today about a new world order. The world’s attention has been drawn to two major political powers, China and Russia. Each power has geopolitical ambitions. An article in Foreign Affairs, “How Fear of China is Forging a New World Order” states: “As China seeks to burn down what remains of the liberal order, disparate actors are starting to roll back Beijing’s power. In the process they are reordering the world. For the first time since the cold war, … [Read more...] about China and Russia in Prophecy
Lessons of the Days of Unleavened Bread
The observance of the seven Days of Unleavened Bread are intended to increase the understanding of God’s way and His plan of salvation. Interestingly, there were monumental events that occurred on the seventh day during the history of the ancient nation of Israel. Paul recites two major events in the book of Hebrews: “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians attempting to do so were drowned. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell after they were encircled … [Read more...] about Lessons of the Days of Unleavened Bread
God’s Goyim
There are numerous words that we use in our daily vocabulary that have changed meaning over the years. Have we allowed ourselves to appropriate a meaning to the word “Gentile” that was not intended? In Galatians, the second chapter we see Paul giving the account of Peter’s example as a Jew when he separated himself from the Gentiles fearing what other Jews would think. The Jews regarded Gentiles as inferior. Easton’s Bible Dictionary states the definition of "Gentile" as (Hebrew, usually in … [Read more...] about God’s Goyim
When Theresa May was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, she told the country in her New Year message that if her Brexit deal was passed by Parliament, the country could move forward together and begin a new chapter. The government could then work on fixing important domestic issues. If it were only that simple. Britain’s participation in the European Union for years, and the desire to leave has led to a complex and difficult situation as the current political impasse testifies. … [Read more...] about Brexit