The first recorded miracle of Jesus Christ was turning water into wine at a wedding celebration. Let’s look at how ancient wedding customs can shed light on the significance of this miracle found in the second chapter of John (John 2.1-10). The account starts with, “On the third day". If we look back to the previous chapter of the book of John, we find that it was the third day since Christ had begun to call His disciples to follow Him, and three days since John the Baptist had acknowledged … [Read more...] about Christ’s First Miracle
Expressions of Tribalism
It is difficult to escape the feeling that our world is becoming more divided by the day. For example, we are hearing more about political identity. While it has been quite customary to identify with some political party in terms of general policy, the term has now developed a sharper edge. Amy Chua writing in The Guardian newspaper notes: “When groups feel threatened, they retreat into tribalism. When groups feel mistreated and disrespected, they close ranks and become more insular, more … [Read more...] about Expressions of Tribalism
Counting the Cost
In a recent conversation, someone was reminiscing about their baptism and remembered that at the time they thought they had counted the cost but in the years that followed realized they hadn’t known what that cost was going to involve. Most of us have gone through difficult times within the Church and faced situations and decisions that we could never have anticipated at the time we were baptized. Counting the cost is a principle stated by Christ during His ministry. “For which of you, … [Read more...] about Counting the Cost
Glorifying God
After Samuel had been established as a prophet replacing the disgraced Eli, God allowed the Philistines to have a military victory over Israel. The Philistines captured the ark of God. After a lengthy period, King David prepared a place in the City of David to accommodate the ark. As the ark was returned to the tabernacle, David celebrated and wrote a psalm to thank and praise God. In this psalm is the direction that God’s people are to “Give to the Lord the glory due His name” (1 Chronicles … [Read more...] about Glorifying God
Choose Life
As God prepared Israel for its occupation of the land of Canaan – the land He had promised them – He firmly reminded them of the centrality of His law to their existence. He told them that His commandments were near to them – in their hearts (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). God’s law set two clear and distinct ways of life before them. On the one hand was life and good, while on the other was death and evil. The law defined these two ways, so they were clearly discernable. The assault on God’s law … [Read more...] about Choose Life
Pull Up Tent Pegs and Move Forward!
Ambiguity is one of our greatest challenges because, as a rule, we like structure, routine, and the ability to know what’s coming next. When we find ourselves in ambiguous situations, our trusted reference points seem to move, and we become disoriented. We may even question the basic principles of truth, causing us to struggle with decision making and become paralyzed by inaction. Leonardo da Vinci put it this way, “Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation...even so does … [Read more...] about Pull Up Tent Pegs and Move Forward!
Why Can’t Man Govern Himself?
The Creator gave humanity a fantastic opportunity and a perfect environment after Satan's rebellious war had caused the earth to become without form and void. Satan, as Heylel, had rejected God’s government and chaos and confusion was the result (Genesis 1:2). As God considered the creation of man in His image, He moved to clean up the earth to provide a “very good” environment for man to live in. “You sent forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth” (Psalm … [Read more...] about Why Can’t Man Govern Himself?