God instructed Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If he did eat, God said the consequences would be that dying, you shall die. In time, both Adam and Eve, did eat the fruit, and so death entered the world. Ever since then, humanity has been cursed with a physical death. The question came up soon after: what happens after death? Throughout history, man has developed many different explanations and ideas related to what happens after … [Read more...] about God of the Living
Kingdom of God
Death and Beyond
While we all know something about living a physical life, it is important to gain an understanding of death and what is beyond. Paul's perspective in I Corinthians 15:19-26 is very enlightening: "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death [through Adam], by Man [Christ] also came the resurrection of the dead. For as … [Read more...] about Death and Beyond
China and Russia in Prophecy
There is a lot of talk today about a new world order. The world’s attention has been drawn to two major political powers, China and Russia. Each power has geopolitical ambitions. An article in Foreign Affairs, “How Fear of China is Forging a New World Order” states: “As China seeks to burn down what remains of the liberal order, disparate actors are starting to roll back Beijing’s power. In the process they are reordering the world. For the first time since the cold war, … [Read more...] about China and Russia in Prophecy
Is Christ Your King?
When Christ returns, every human ruler will be dethroned and every idol will be dismantled. We who have already accepted Christ’s dominion look forward to that time. But do we really see our King clearly? The first commandment prohibits idolatry and reinforces God’s primary rule over all things. But throughout the history of God’s people putting God first has been a continuous struggle. In 1446 B.C. the Israelites, having come out of Egypt witnessing God’s miracles, lost sight of Moses and … [Read more...] about Is Christ Your King?
The Kingdom of God
The world has been successively ruled by kingdoms. From a biblical perspective we see this clearly outlined by Daniel as he explains to the Babylonian king the contents of the king’s dream. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar, “For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory” (Daniel 2:37). There were to be three similar kingdoms to follow the Babylonian kingdom. The progress of the dream’s revelation ends with a future fifth kingdom – the Kingdom of God. “And in the days of … [Read more...] about The Kingdom of God
The Memorial Trumpets
The Feast of Trumpets gets its name from the ordained blowing of trumpets which were blown as “a memorial of blowing of trumpets” (Leviticus 23:24). The Hebrew word for “memorial” is zikkārôn. Which – according to the Dictionary of Biblical Languages (DBL) – means “to commemorate” or “call to remembrance.” The Feast of Trumpets symbolizes a future event. How can we memorialize something that has not happened yet? Zikkārôn also means memorializing our right or claim to an inheritance based on … [Read more...] about The Memorial Trumpets
God Values Small Things
It had been some years since Cyrus, King of Persia, granted right-of-return to the original Jewish refugees. Zerubbabel had laid the foundation and built the altar, but the work rebuilding the Holy Temple in Jerusalem had stalled. Finally, King Darius initiated new momentum. Zechariah was sent with a special message to inspire renewed efforts. And that message has special meaning for the Church: “Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying: ‘The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the … [Read more...] about God Values Small Things