What does it mean to live abundantly? Is it to be blessed beyond measure in money, jewels, or other physical bounty? Is that what Christ meant when he said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10). In this same chapter, Christ speaks about His role as Shepherd and the response of the sheep. Sheep were kept in an enclosed courtyard, with a gate or opening at one end. In a sheepfold the shepherd might sleep in the opening at night to … [Read more...] about Live Life Abundantly
Kingdom of God
A Coin of Hope
In 2018, 70.8 million people were displaced by conflicts and violence worldwide, according to the UN Refugee Agency, up from a record 38 million in 2014. Despair has driven many to risk dangerous and life-threatening journeys just to find some type of relief. This is Satan’s world, and he is the author of confusion, depression, and negativity. But our Creator, the One True God, is positive! Depression is like a two-sided coin, so let’s flip it over and look at the other side, the coin of … [Read more...] about A Coin of Hope
The Years Ahead
In the coming years, the members of God’s Church will face increasing pressure against maintaining a firm position on God’s truth. It will be a year of challenge and change. The change will be all around us and the challenge will be “holding fast.” We will have reason to be very mindful of the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13). We are not making predictions, but simply trying to watch. Watchfulness is a spiritual condition … [Read more...] about The Years Ahead
Holy Days Pinpoint Priorities
The world has become a decidedly edgy place. There is tension and anxiety in the air. This is particularly observable in the political arena - especially in the realm of international relations. If we look at just one marker – political elections – the unease is clearly evident. In reaction to the developing of negative social conditions, there is often a trend to turn to “hard-line” leadership in the search for remedies. In Europe, and Germany in particular, the current leadership has suffered … [Read more...] about Holy Days Pinpoint Priorities
Why Can’t Man Govern Himself?
The Creator gave humanity a fantastic opportunity and a perfect environment after Satan's rebellious war had caused the earth to become without form and void. Satan, as Heylel, had rejected God’s government and chaos and confusion was the result (Genesis 1:2). As God considered the creation of man in His image, He moved to clean up the earth to provide a “very good” environment for man to live in. “You sent forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth” (Psalm … [Read more...] about Why Can’t Man Govern Himself?
The Garden of Eden
Scholars have long scratched their heads trying to figure out the exact location of the garden God planted eastward in Eden. That it is a physical place is not in doubt. Out of the ground the Eternal made trees grow that were pleasing to the sight and good for food. The garden was watered by a river, which then parted into four rivers. It was into this physical setting that man was placed with the instructions to tend and keep the garden. It must have been a fabulous environment as everything … [Read more...] about The Garden of Eden
The Calming Light
Death of a Loved One From time-to-time events cause us to deeply consider the reality of our own mortality. One of those times inevitably is when we experience the death of someone close to us. This is particularly true in a situation that involves a devastating disease such as cancer or a tragic accident – those times when death is unexpected and premature. Experiencing the process causes us to be very realistic about just what we are as physical beings. Many of the Psalms capture the … [Read more...] about The Calming Light