Humanity has lost the story that connects us all. There is a lot of noise, but no context to give life meaning. So, we drift through life without a true meaningful purpose — a story that connects us to something bigger than we are. Aristotle observed, “When the storytelling in a culture goes bad, the result is decadence.” We see all around us the result of the collapse of mankind’s story. We have tried to replace it with small, narcissistic stories that have no lasting impact. It has turned us … [Read more...] about The Purpose of the Church
Death and Beyond
While we all know something about living a physical life, it is important to gain an understanding of death and what is beyond. Paul's perspective in I Corinthians 15:19-26 is very enlightening: "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death [through Adam], by Man [Christ] also came the resurrection of the dead. For as … [Read more...] about Death and Beyond
A Message of Hope
Our world could use some good news. It seems for most people that their hope is that we will “get through this” and things will get better. But that doesn’t seem to be happening. Unfortunately, man is unaware that his path is being directed by an evil being who does not plan for things to get better. There is simply a growing sense of hopelessness because positive expectations are not being met. God did not create man to live in a hopeless world. He created man to have a relationship with … [Read more...] about A Message of Hope
The Good News of Salvation
The message of the Bible could be considered the message of salvation. The Bible introduces us to a perfect creation. We are told that in God’s estimation it was “very good.” God rebuilt this perfect earthly environment out of the destruction caused by Satan’s rebellion. The pinnacle of His work was man – made in God’s own image and created to have a relationship with the Creator. God was intent on transforming humankind into His image and nature spiritually to add children to His eternal … [Read more...] about The Good News of Salvation
The Kingdom of God
The world has been successively ruled by kingdoms. From a biblical perspective we see this clearly outlined by Daniel as he explains to the Babylonian king the contents of the king’s dream. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar, “For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory” (Daniel 2:37). There were to be three similar kingdoms to follow the Babylonian kingdom. The progress of the dream’s revelation ends with a future fifth kingdom – the Kingdom of God. “And in the days of … [Read more...] about The Kingdom of God
How the Church Grows
Just how does the Church, the Body of Christ, grow? As with any living body, to survive, it must grow, or die. We know that the beginning of the Church occurred on the Day of Pentecost, however, once born, how did it grow? God calls individuals and no one can come to Him unless God draws him. However, the body of Christ has a vital role to play in making disciples. The book of Acts is a history of the spreading of the gospel. With concrete examples it documents how the Church expanded. By … [Read more...] about How the Church Grows
Are You Anchored?
Years ago, I worked as a Project Assistant for the Arizona Game and Fish Department on a trout habitat below Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. We arrived by boat near the diversion tunnels at the base of the dam, and as he jumped out, my boss wrapped the rope around a large rock. After working a while, I went back for supplies. Climbing over a rock outcropping, I panicked! The rope had come loose, and the current was rapidly pulling the boat downstream. I took a gigantic leap for it. … [Read more...] about Are You Anchored?