How a person envisions or defines himself is one of the most influential facets of a person's world view and his place in it. This image is intertwined with his confidence which enables him to face adversity, meet challenges, and focus on threats unfettered by the shackles of fear. If one does not have a proper image or vision of his place in life, his confidence suffers along with his ability to cope with life. The result is fear or anxiety. People can become more depressive or aggressive … [Read more...] about Confidence, Esteem and Self-Image
Willing or Willful?
In his book written in 1637, entitled Discourse on the Method, René Descartes published a phrase in Latin that became one of the central tenets or teachings of Western philosophy. That phrase in Latin is cogito ergo sum. In English it is: I think, therefore I am. The main theme of the book addresses skepticism, a philosophical school of thought that questioned whether knowing something was “for sure” is possible. Everything is relative. Descartes refused to accept the authority of previous … [Read more...] about Willing or Willful?
Self-Examination: Are We in the Faith
We are subjected to all kinds of tests throughout our lifetime. Some are routine, but others are unavoidable, deeply personal tests: peer pressure, emotional suffering, financial upheaval, and temptation. With a fear of failure, we usually don’t consider these as positive experiences. However, with good preparation we can face self-examination confidently. “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is … [Read more...] about Self-Examination: Are We in the Faith
Remember when it seemed as if everyone was planning for the coming zombie apocalypse? It highlighted for me the fascination people have with the collapse of society and prepping for survival. There are serious prophecies about the dark days ahead for the world, but should we be focused on preparing physically? Prepping has, for some, become a false religion called “survivalism”. It’s fueled by apocalyptic movies, survivalist TV shows, and violent video games. These are especially … [Read more...] about Survivalism
The Holy Spirit Versus “I”
How many times a day do we use the words “me,” “myself,” or “I”? I tried keeping track once and finally gave up because I lost count. Have we considered just how powerful that “I” is? Our mind’s eye, personalities, and core existence. Let’s look at exactly what we’re up against when we pit our human mind against the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ and the apostles were on a boat after He delivered the Sermon on the Mount. As they crossed the Sea of Galilee, a great windstorm blew in. The … [Read more...] about The Holy Spirit Versus “I”
Our True Defense
After WW1, the French built a seemingly impenetrable defense against German aggression, the Maginot line. A technological marvel, it nevertheless failed. With a false advance, the French were lured north while the bulk of the German forces simply went around the Maginot line and into the heart of France. The technical strength of the Maginot line gave the French a false sense of security, and they became complacent. Their enemy had changed tactics, and they were unprepared. Do we have a … [Read more...] about Our True Defense
Hear The Voice
In the midst of the coronavirus disaster, we are hearing many voices. The fact that the virus at the center of the crisis has many unknowns increases the cacophony. We hear experts contradicting each other, politicians leveraging the situation and the world’s top medical professionals doing their best to inform the public. All of this is natural as nations struggle to come to terms with something they were unprepared for and are uncertain as to how to respond. What are we to believe? … [Read more...] about Hear The Voice