When people remove God from the equation of life, Satan will fill the vacuum. If God is backed out of the picture, then Satan’s attitude is allowed to move in and become a little more dominant. When people in positions of leadership in this world back God out of the picture, the space is filled with self-determination. The emphasis comes back on man. When self-determination becomes the dominant factor, pride very quickly rises to the surface. The word pride here simply means exaltation, to … [Read more...] about Judgment on the Nations
Willing or Willful?
In his book written in 1637, entitled Discourse on the Method, René Descartes published a phrase in Latin that became one of the central tenets or teachings of Western philosophy. That phrase in Latin is cogito ergo sum. In English it is: I think, therefore I am. The main theme of the book addresses skepticism, a philosophical school of thought that questioned whether knowing something was “for sure” is possible. Everything is relative. Descartes refused to accept the authority of previous … [Read more...] about Willing or Willful?
Being the People of God
What is the Church, and why does it matter?” The answer to that question very much depends on the narrative that one places himself into. What is the story that surrounds our life? Secular narrative is evolutionary where all change is progress. Anything that’s happening must necessarily be contributing to the betterment, the evolution, the growth of this naturally occurring world. This concept, however, does not present those who adhere to it a sense of purpose. Christians who adhere … [Read more...] about Being the People of God
There is a Generation. . .
We are shown four things in scripture that God considers to be incredibly important at any point in time. The four characteristics in Proverbs 30 are referenced by the phrase "there is a generation”. The Hebrew does not identify a particular generation. This generation can exist at any point in time as can the characteristics that are listed. We will see that each one provokes separation from God, as Satan works his work to separate man from God. The first point: “There is a … [Read more...] about There is a Generation. . .
Spiritual Equilibrium
It’s difficult to maintain our spiritual equilibrium in the moral and ethical chaos of the world we live in. As followers of Christ, we are to have balanced relationships with those in the world. Jesus said that we are to be in the world but not be of the world. We’re to live life as a positive example, not allowing the world to return to mold or shape us negatively. We are not to jump head-first into the world’s value systems; however, we are not to withdraw into isolation … [Read more...] about Spiritual Equilibrium
A Story of New Beginnings
God uses a pattern of "new beginnings" throughout the Bible. These patterns reveal God's persistent love for mankind even when man is rejecting His way of life. In the beginning, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good . . ." (Genesis 1:31 NIV). Gensis 1:27 says this included the creation of the first man and woman. From scripture we understand God’s purpose is to create a family, the God family beginning with Adam and Eve. Every physical thing that God created, … [Read more...] about A Story of New Beginnings
The Path From Belief to Conviction
The word “conviction” is a powerful word in our language. It conjures up ideas of not only a guilty verdict from a courtroom setting, but also a solid or firmly held belief, as in the idea that people should be convicted of what they believe. Vocabulary.com explains this word: “A conviction is something certain: a judgment of guilty in court and a strong belief are both convictions. In the legal world, when a judge or jury convicts someone of a crime — finding them guilty — … [Read more...] about The Path From Belief to Conviction