This year promises to be a difficult year if the last twelve months are any indication. It doesn’t appear that there’s going to be any let up in some of the catastrophic events that have been occurring. The message that God gave ancient Israel through Hosea resonates very well for Christians today. It is a message that makes it quite easy to make a comparison between what ancient Israel was being told then and what we see around us today. Hosea gets a little specific, but very apropos … [Read more...] about The Beast World Order
Horses Show How to Be at Rest with God
There is a technique in horse breaking, or horse gentling called "joining up". It illuminates God’s nature and shows us how we can obtain rest through an intimate relationship with God. Horses are special creatures to some of us; they are terrifying to others. They are big and magnificent. Imagine you’ve been given the responsibility to get a green horse, unbroken or an inexperienced animal loaded onto a trailer. The horse rears back and snaps its halter. … [Read more...] about Horses Show How to Be at Rest with God
Taking God Seriously
Ancient Israel experiences in the 40 years of wilderness wanderings can be a good mirror for us. Their example reveals many aspects of our nature: “Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was … [Read more...] about Taking God Seriously
God of the Living
God instructed Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If he did eat, God said the consequences would be that dying, you shall die. In time, both Adam and Eve, did eat the fruit, and so death entered the world. Ever since then, humanity has been cursed with a physical death. The question came up soon after: what happens after death? Throughout history, man has developed many different explanations and ideas related to what happens after … [Read more...] about God of the Living
The Truth Will Set You Free
The truth will set you free! This is a much-used phrase. You find it in Martin Luther King’s speeches, inscribed on the headquarters wall of the CIA, and it was used in one of the most recent Marvel movie franchises. I would suggest that this scripture should not be read as superficially. We often hear it used in the sense that knowledge is power, or we can set somebody loose from their bondage if we can enlighten them of their false notions and correct them. … [Read more...] about The Truth Will Set You Free
Overcome Evil With Good
Life’s difficulties, as many have experienced, arise from various possible angles. Sometimes we cause our own difficulties through poor decisions. However, trials also come through other people. Not necessarily from something we did to deserve it. But, wham! We get hit hard because of what somebody else does to us, often because their way of life is in opposition to ours. It becomes a tangled web, a path of carnage. People get caught in the middle and have profound effects on … [Read more...] about Overcome Evil With Good
Examining Our Assumptions
In our relationships with each other, we tend to assume a certain reality that is quite different from the full truth of a matter. So, when misunderstandings occur, our assumptions have the potential of erecting barriers in our relationships without realizing it. This major barrier to proper relationships is our proclivity to make assumptions to “unchecked perceptions”, often leading us to jump to incorrect conclusions. It probably wouldn’t be a prolonged mental exercise to think about our … [Read more...] about Examining Our Assumptions