There are numerous words that we use in our daily vocabulary that have changed meaning over the years. Have we allowed ourselves to appropriate a meaning to the word “Gentile” that was not intended? In Galatians, the second chapter we see Paul giving the account of Peter’s example as a Jew when he separated himself from the Gentiles fearing what other Jews would think. The Jews regarded Gentiles as inferior. Easton’s Bible Dictionary states the definition of "Gentile" as (Hebrew, usually in … [Read more...] about God’s Goyim
The Most Dangerous Temptation That Faces Our Youth
Imagine your beaming little boy or energetic little girl. You’re watching them grow and develop year after year and you wish that time would stand still. “Stop growing…” is a phrase you’ve almost certainly told your child at some point in time in their young life. The years go by, and you see this innocent and inquisitive child learn new things. You know they’re going to be exposed to some filthy things in their life. But right now, you see the light in their eyes and the purity in their spirit … [Read more...] about The Most Dangerous Temptation That Faces Our Youth
Ishmael’s Sons
Well, the brothers are at it again! The two sons of Abraham were half-brothers, as they had different mothers. The way they were raised produced an animosity between them that exists to this day and may have a bearing on events shortly ahead of us. Abram, as he then was called, was told by God that he would be taken to a land where his descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth (Genesis 13:15-16). So, Abram anticipated having children — and a son — as the fulfillment of this … [Read more...] about Ishmael’s Sons
The Years Ahead
In the coming years, the members of God’s Church will face increasing pressure against maintaining a firm position on God’s truth. It will be a year of challenge and change. The change will be all around us and the challenge will be “holding fast.” We will have reason to be very mindful of the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13). We are not making predictions, but simply trying to watch. Watchfulness is a spiritual condition … [Read more...] about The Years Ahead
Following the Crowd
A common practice amongst government departments is that of lobbying. Lobbyists put pressure on individuals in government to persuade them to do something. We are also familiar with terms like group pressure, peer pressure and social pressure. The idea is to influence someone to conform to those who are doing the pressuring. This can, of course, be positive or negative. Scripture warns us to be wary of group think. “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil” (Exodus 23:2). It is rare in … [Read more...] about Following the Crowd
Conquering Doubt with Discernment
The internet is a strange place. Filled with all sorts of information, it's possible to get lost for days in the vast chasm of witty memes, Instagram food photos, and stark news articles proclaiming the fall of western civilization. In this chaotic landscape of data all is not what it seems, and we can easily grow dubious. “Is that really an epically muscular guy picking up a car?” “Did she actually cook a meal using nothing but a matchstick, a cotton swab, and a tin can?” We all know … [Read more...] about Conquering Doubt with Discernment
Expressions of Tribalism
It is difficult to escape the feeling that our world is becoming more divided by the day. For example, we are hearing more about political identity. While it has been quite customary to identify with some political party in terms of general policy, the term has now developed a sharper edge. Amy Chua writing in The Guardian newspaper notes: “When groups feel threatened, they retreat into tribalism. When groups feel mistreated and disrespected, they close ranks and become more insular, more … [Read more...] about Expressions of Tribalism