I have been reading a book about church history by Ivor Fletcher. Today, I want to address the topic of persecution. There are two basic concepts that struck me as I read this book. One was the idea that obeying God is hard. I would ask us to question relatively speaking in our modern context, how hard is it to obey God? The other question that was brought to mind was, how will we, in all the churches of God, use markers of identity to distinguish among ourselves. Will … [Read more...] about The Exposing Light of Persecution
Practical Christain Living
By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
In Luke 21 Christ is talking to His disciples who have asked Him what the sign will be that "these things" are about to take place. The time of the end is the context: Nations are rising up against nations, kingdom against kingdom. There are famines, pestilences and great earthquakes in various places. As we go further away from these beginning signs which we can observe today it’s going to get more difficult for God’s people as the end times draw nearer. It becomes more intensely … [Read more...] about By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
Focus on the Goal
The weekly Sabbath is a representation of entering into the Kingdom of God. Its very interesting that God has made the high point of the week, the focus on His Kingdom. But why does God want us to be reminded of this so often and so strongly? An interesting experiment called the “invisible gorilla experiment” by Daniel Simmons and Christopher Chabris will help us understand why. It is very important for followers of Christ to capture it’s meaning. In the experiment there were … [Read more...] about Focus on the Goal
True Character
One take away we could observe from the recent U.S. mid-term elections is that character was a major factor. To clarify, there are two types of character. One is the way the world looks at character, and the other is from God’s point of view. We need to be clear about the difference.The world looks at character more in the realm of personality which means that character has no real boundaries. It is just the way someone is. The Britannica Dictionary defines character as: The way someone thinks, … [Read more...] about True Character
The Value of Scripture
Recently we have been trying to provide a balanced view towards the things that are happening in the world and all of the commentary that goes along with that. And the need to be looking into the word of God a great deal more than perhaps we have been doing. The words that proceed from the mouth of God are critically important; they are not abstract. Notice in Deuteronomy 30: “For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. It is not in … [Read more...] about The Value of Scripture
Marriage, a Safe Haven
God instituted marriage and the family for procreation to teach us about how He lives. He wants mankind to know what motivates Him, what His purpose is for mankind, and how His nature and character developed in human beings would give families peaceful relationships. If mankind functioned in marriage the way God intended, this world would be a vastly different place. The dysfunctional families that are increasingly the norm would seldom exist. However today we see the removal of any … [Read more...] about Marriage, a Safe Haven
Relationships within the Body of Christ
How important are relationships within the Body of Christ? This question is prompted by the state of affairs in what we broadly refer to as “the world.” The world is a generic term for planet earth and all life on it, including human civilization. We use it generally to address our environment. Currently, much press is devoted to the subject of the rise of nationalism. Remember how globalization once held out the carrot of the world coming together in one big homogenization of nations and … [Read more...] about Relationships within the Body of Christ