In observing developments and trends, I am always drawn to the state of the human mind. I am constantly amazed these days at what the human mind is capable of. On the one hand what the mind can achieve in the area of technology is almost beyond belief. But the area of the mind's activity that comes up more often these days is in the area of depravity. A secular definition of depravity is simply defined as “moral corruption and wickedness”. The Bible also emphasizes the aspect of … [Read more...] about The Age of Depravity
Godly Wisdom
Conditioning the Human Heart
The human heart is something we frequently discuss because there is so much we need to learn and to overcome about ourselves. The heart in this context is a term that simply means what is at the center of a person, who we are, what motivates us and what drives the conditions of our relationships with one another. The spirit in man was given to humans by God enabling them to think and reason and therefore have dominion over the rest of creation (Job 32:8). It also enables a human mind to hurt, … [Read more...] about Conditioning the Human Heart
What Makes a Hero?
The author of the book What Makes a Hero? The Surprising Science of Selflessness, Elizabeth Svoboda, writes in an article in the Washington Post: “[Heroes] flash into public view like signal flares, dazzling us with their courageous and selfless acts. “[Like] Wesley Autrey, who jumped onto New York City subway tracks to save a man from an oncoming train. Captain Chesley Sullenberger of US Airways, who landed his plane and passengers safely on New York's Hudson River…Charles Ramsey, who … [Read more...] about What Makes a Hero?
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Oxford Dictionary defines wisdom as “the state of being wise.” It says that wisdom has to do with judgment, discernment, judiciousness, insight, knowledge and learning. And from a human standpoint, we might agree with these words that define wisdom. But at the same time, we can conclude that mankind on the whole man can’t solve his problems. It appears that mankind simply lacks the wisdom to do so. Man doesn’t know how to achieve peace, put an end to … [Read more...] about The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
What is on Your Mind Today?
What tends to be on our minds at any given time is somewhat driven by the events in which we are engaged. This is one reason the regular study of God’s Word is essential. World events also play a major part in our thought processes. For example, this week we read of the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker, advocating a combined EU military force. In 2010, the then German Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, had called for the creation of a European army so that in the long term … [Read more...] about What is on Your Mind Today?
The Proverb 31 Woman
The Proverbs 31 woman is powerful, dynamic, wise, enterprising, hardworking, hospitable, gracious, affectionate and capable. She is a magnetic character. She is in every way her husband’s equal, with the same potential to be a member of the God family. She will have glory, power and capacity. She obeys God in the role in which He placed her. She deploys all her creative power, all her capability as a help suitable for her husband and children (Proverbs 31:10-31). That’s what Christ does for God … [Read more...] about The Proverb 31 Woman
A Lasting Reputation
It would be reasonable to assume that Jesus Christ, during His human life, was a man of good reputation. But this was not always the case. During Jesus Christ’s life He was considered a deceiver, a blasphemer, demonically possessed, and even Satan himself. A man of “no reputation,” no good reputation (Philippians 2:7). How can this be? How much it must have hurt to be falsely accused by the people He loved and for whom He was to give His life. Surely a good reputation is the primary goal of a … [Read more...] about A Lasting Reputation