Steve McCann takes us on a journey through American history by applying the causes that led to the decline and fall of ancient empires. He enumerates six stages that have precipitated the rise and the current decline of the American empire. If we don't learn from the past, it will likely repeat itself, this time in the American nation. Mr. McCann draws heavily from Sir John Glubb's essay on the Fate of Empires: "A cursory examination of history reveals that the United States is mired in … [Read more...] about The Decline of the American Empire
The Closeness of God
If we are honest with ourselves, we don’t always have the feeling that God is relevant to our everyday lives. I don’t mean in the overall sense of knowing God’s plan and purpose. I am thinking of something more up close and personal. The longer time goes on, with the subsequent increase of corruption in our societies, the more difficult it is to feel the personal closeness of God -- that He is there for us on a real and personal basis. We may have understanding in our head, but the daily … [Read more...] about The Closeness of God
Peace, Peace but There is No Peace
Peace is something that we all desire, seek and want. During the Christmas season, one of the tag lines of the holiday is “let there be peace on earth.” But regardless of how hard the governments of man and individuals work for peace -- it is elusive. Why is that? One of the reasons peace is so elusive is the way power is used and where it is focused. In general, there are two approaches to the use of power. One use of power leads to strife, conflict, and war while the other leads to peace. … [Read more...] about Peace, Peace but There is No Peace
The Age of Depravity
In observing developments and trends, I am always drawn to the state of the human mind. I am constantly amazed these days at what the human mind is capable of. On the one hand what the mind can achieve in the area of technology is almost beyond belief. But the area of the mind's activity that comes up more often these days is in the area of depravity. A secular definition of depravity is simply defined as “moral corruption and wickedness”. The Bible also emphasizes the aspect of … [Read more...] about The Age of Depravity
The Power of a Common Enemy
In February 2022, China and Russia unveiled a plan for a new world order. A Washington Examiner article stated in October 2023, that “China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States and its allies while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts.” Moscow and Beijing could now develop into an integrated challenge to American power. The entire situation with Ukraine began … [Read more...] about The Power of a Common Enemy
The Precipice
“As the West careens off the moral and political road and hurtles towards the precipice …” no longer sounds outlandish. This situation has been a long time in the making. One thing to which we need to pay attention is the fact that there really is a precipice. In the past, people generally have relied on “the establishment” to stop the slide of whatever negative trend appeared on the societal scene. Moral underpinnings were still sufficient to stand against whatever was undermining … [Read more...] about The Precipice
Help My Unbelief
God’s people experience both faith and doubt in their journey through life. Maybe it’s not doubt to the level of denying God’s existence, but we can see many examples laid out for us in God’s word of both conditions of faith and doubt happening to godly people. Satan works tirelessly to sow seeds of doubt. Doubt is something that can grab us, and it can grow and fester. However, there are methods to help prevent doubt, or to overcome it, and to continue to grow in faith instead. There are … [Read more...] about Help My Unbelief