Coronavirus fears caused global panic. The financial institutions, speculative markets, manufacturing, retail outlets, travel, supply chains — pretty much anything that is the basis of our modern economy and trading infrastructure were affected. It can’t help but remind us of the volatility and complexities of this world’s forms of trade. Trade is such a foundational part of how any society operates and, by extension, how each of us operates. Whether we like it or not, nearly … [Read more...] about Unequitable Trading
The Kingdom of God
The world has been successively ruled by kingdoms. From a biblical perspective we see this clearly outlined by Daniel as he explains to the Babylonian king the contents of the king’s dream. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar, “For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory” (Daniel 2:37). There were to be three similar kingdoms to follow the Babylonian kingdom. The progress of the dream’s revelation ends with a future fifth kingdom – the Kingdom of God. “And in the days of … [Read more...] about The Kingdom of God
Giving Wisdom to the Wise
The Prophet Daniel recorded many significant prophecies in the Book of Daniel. We may think of the interpretation of the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar, as well as various visions given to Daniel. The events surrounding the first vision recorded in Daniel 2 are noteworthy. Nebuchadnezzar had a dream during the second year of his reign, which troubled him greatly. The king not only wanted an interpretation of his dream but also demanded that the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and the Chaldeans … [Read more...] about Giving Wisdom to the Wise
Our True Citizenship
In the aftermath of an emotionally charged political election in the United States, it is a good time to reflect on the great truth God has shared with His people. God informs us that our citizenship is not of this earth. As future citizens of God’s Kingdom, we wait for Christ to return and establish that kingdom over all nations and people (Philippians 3:20-21). Our attention and focus are on Christ, the savior of mankind. During His ministry, Jesus Christ not only proclaimed the coming … [Read more...] about Our True Citizenship
God Controls the Weather
There would be general agreement that the weather patterns around the world are changing. The debate seems to center around the cause – is it man-made or is it a natural cyclical change taking place? It may be neither. Some fulfilled Bible prophecies might help us understand the incredible global weather patterns we currently observe. It is an important perspective for us to realize that God controls the weather. He made that fact abundantly clear in His discussions with Job. Weather has a … [Read more...] about God Controls the Weather