The world is a mess. It's a sentiment that I believe we could all readily agree with. There are reasons why the world is a mess and we need to be very clear about them. We are certainly experiencing a crisis of leadership. And there are ramifications when leaders are lawbreakers. They bring upon their nations self-inflicted destruction. I want to address the reality of what it means to have leaders who are lawbreakers and to reinforce a Christian’s responsibility to become leaders who are law … [Read more...] about When Leaders Are Lawbreakers
The Jungle Grows Back
A book titled The Jungle Grows Back is an indicator of prophetic advancement, and can be used as an analogy for our own personal spiritual lives. These are my words, not the author’s, as I draw the analogy. The jungle represents the Babylonian system of human government; a system developed post-flood and is the underlying system throughout the four world-ruling kingdoms as revealed by the image of Daniel 2. From the reign of Nebuchadnezzar to the kingdoms existing at the return of Jesus … [Read more...] about The Jungle Grows Back
The Power of a Common Enemy
In February 2022, China and Russia unveiled a plan for a new world order. A Washington Examiner article stated in October 2023, that “China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States and its allies while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts.” Moscow and Beijing could now develop into an integrated challenge to American power. The entire situation with Ukraine began … [Read more...] about The Power of a Common Enemy
The headline in a recent Wall Street Journal was titled “War in the Middle East is closer than you think.” It didn’t say ‘might be closer’ rather “it is closer than you think”. The subhead to that was: “Russia isn’t parked, (It has not stopped its development of the war with the Ukraine.) Iran isn’t pacified, (it’s going ahead full force with its nuclear program.) and both are coordinating strategies with China.” Russia, Iran, and China are going to become a potent force in the world scene. … [Read more...] about Longsuffering
China and Russia in Prophecy
There is a lot of talk today about a new world order. The world’s attention has been drawn to two major political powers, China and Russia. Each power has geopolitical ambitions. An article in Foreign Affairs, “How Fear of China is Forging a New World Order” states: “As China seeks to burn down what remains of the liberal order, disparate actors are starting to roll back Beijing’s power. In the process they are reordering the world. For the first time since the cold war, … [Read more...] about China and Russia in Prophecy