In Matthew 24:12, the context of a statement by Christ is the time indicating Christ’s coming and the end of the age. There are two points that immediately stand out with this statement. First, we can know as a fact that lawlessness will increase. Second, love will grow cold as a result. We can easily acknowledge the first by observation of the world around us. That lawlessness is increasing is an absolute fact. Lawlessness is defined as, “illegality, that is, violation of law or … [Read more...] about An End Time Indicator
End Time
By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
In Luke 21 Christ is talking to His disciples who have asked Him what the sign will be that "these things" are about to take place. The time of the end is the context: Nations are rising up against nations, kingdom against kingdom. There are famines, pestilences and great earthquakes in various places. As we go further away from these beginning signs which we can observe today it’s going to get more difficult for God’s people as the end times draw nearer. It becomes more intensely … [Read more...] about By Your Patience Possess Your Souls