The word “conviction” is a powerful word in our language. It conjures up ideas of not only a guilty verdict from a courtroom setting, but also a solid or firmly held belief, as in the idea that people should be convicted of what they believe. explains this word: “A conviction is something certain: a judgment of guilty in court and a strong belief are both convictions. In the legal world, when a judge or jury convicts someone of a crime — finding them guilty — … [Read more...] about The Path From Belief to Conviction
Lessons of the Days of Unleavened Bread
The observance of the seven Days of Unleavened Bread are intended to increase the understanding of God’s way and His plan of salvation. Interestingly, there were monumental events that occurred on the seventh day during the history of the ancient nation of Israel. Paul recites two major events in the book of Hebrews: “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians attempting to do so were drowned. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell after they were encircled … [Read more...] about Lessons of the Days of Unleavened Bread
Self-Examination: Are We in the Faith
We are subjected to all kinds of tests throughout our lifetime. Some are routine, but others are unavoidable, deeply personal tests: peer pressure, emotional suffering, financial upheaval, and temptation. With a fear of failure, we usually don’t consider these as positive experiences. However, with good preparation we can face self-examination confidently. “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is … [Read more...] about Self-Examination: Are We in the Faith
Sneaking Suspicion
It all started when Satan and his angelic followers allowed a sliver of suspicion to enter their minds. It ended in defiant rebellion against the family of God. Satan then planted the seed of suspicion that God was holding something back from Adam and Eve, leading them into disobedience. Cain became suspicious that God preferred Abel’s offering. His anger precipitated murder. Suspicion is a primal fear that someone will take what we think should be ours. And suspicious mistrust has challenged … [Read more...] about Sneaking Suspicion
Becoming As A Little Child
Through an understanding of the family model of government, we can more clearly understand our relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father. In the family relationship, children play an important role and help contextualize the meaning of God’s government in the realm of human beings. Adults think and reason differently than children do. In some ways, this is a good and natural progression, as Paul mentions in his letter to the Corinthian (1 Corinthians 13:11). However, in the spiritual … [Read more...] about Becoming As A Little Child
True or Rotten Miracles?
The “Green Revolution” of the mid 1940s through the 1960s has long been touted as an “agricultural miracle.” It was then that researchers began genetically altering various grains such as corn, wheat, and rice. Additionally, the seed’s yield was maximized by using chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. The dramatic increase in production enabled importer nations to soon become exporters. This agricultural miracle would presumably save humanity from famine as its population … [Read more...] about True or Rotten Miracles?