Many have experienced a variety of approaches to Church government at the human level. A widely accepted government in the Churches was a more autocratic, authoritarian style. It was government from the top-down, investing a large amount of authority in the one at the top. Eventually this led to a more “lordship” style of leadership within the Church. It was not an altogether illogical deduction from a human point of view. God’s governance is from the top down. It flows from the Father to His … [Read more...] about Godly Church Governance
8 Steps to Breaking the Cycle of Family Dysfunction
We all have some dysfunction in our family relationships. Tim Stanford wrote an informative and helpful article defining destructive patterns and solutions for dysfunctional behaviors within families. The link to his article is at the bottom of this page: Destructive relationship patterns can get passed down from one generation to the next. Here's how you can set a new precedent for your future family: Boys who witness domestic violence in their own home are three times more likely to … [Read more...] about 8 Steps to Breaking the Cycle of Family Dysfunction
The Cycle of Dysfunctional Families
It is sad to read so often of people who see no purpose in living. At the point in time, when they should be rejoicing in their youth, even many teenagers see no purpose in living. No doubt, mind-altering substances are often involved. However, often, the state of mind that has led to a young person’s suicide is a result of relationship issues. Sense of worth is developed within a family that functions in a manner designed by God. Such a family will have a structure created by the family … [Read more...] about The Cycle of Dysfunctional Families
The headline in a recent Wall Street Journal was titled “War in the Middle East is closer than you think.” It didn’t say ‘might be closer’ rather “it is closer than you think”. The subhead to that was: “Russia isn’t parked, (It has not stopped its development of the war with the Ukraine.) Iran isn’t pacified, (it’s going ahead full force with its nuclear program.) and both are coordinating strategies with China.” Russia, Iran, and China are going to become a potent force in the world scene. … [Read more...] about Longsuffering
The Importance of Parental Love
I read an article recently on which lists five benefits of parental love. The link to the article is: ( The five benefits and descriptions are listed below. I would like to apply them to our families' and our spiritual lives as followers of God the Father and Jesus Christ. Spiritual Growth Love is a physical need for children. When children receive and learn to give love, they won’t be as thirsty for love … [Read more...] about The Importance of Parental Love
Why Western Values are Shifting
A British columnist who writes for The Times of London, recently wrote: “Why is so much of the political, cultural and business establishment meekly going along with the onslaught against normative western values and the repudiation of rationality itself? The answer lies in what’s been happening to the west over the past half century. The current culture wars reflect decades of cultural Marxist chickens coming home to roost. There’s been a revolutionary long march through the institutions aimed … [Read more...] about Why Western Values are Shifting
Marriage, a Safe Haven
God instituted marriage and the family for procreation to teach us about how He lives. He wants mankind to know what motivates Him, what His purpose is for mankind, and how His nature and character developed in human beings would give families peaceful relationships. If mankind functioned in marriage the way God intended, this world would be a vastly different place. The dysfunctional families that are increasingly the norm would seldom exist. However today we see the removal of any … [Read more...] about Marriage, a Safe Haven