A book titled The Jungle Grows Back is an indicator of prophetic advancement, and can be used as an analogy for our own personal spiritual lives. These are my words, not the author’s, as I draw the analogy. The jungle represents the Babylonian system of human government; a system developed post-flood and is the underlying system throughout the four world-ruling kingdoms as revealed by the image of Daniel 2. From the reign of Nebuchadnezzar to the kingdoms existing at the return of Jesus … [Read more...] about The Jungle Grows Back
Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden Prototype
When God created mankind there was a strong bond between the Creator and the Created. This bond extended to the rest of the earthly creation that God had made. Man was to work with the environment to subdue it and have dominion. In other words, he was to dress and keep it. God and man walked together, they talked together, and they worked together. All of those things are contained in the first chapters of Genesis. The Creator, Man, and the environment all worked … [Read more...] about The Garden of Eden Prototype
A Story of New Beginnings
God uses a pattern of "new beginnings" throughout the Bible. These patterns reveal God's persistent love for mankind even when man is rejecting His way of life. In the beginning, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good . . ." (Genesis 1:31 NIV). Gensis 1:27 says this included the creation of the first man and woman. From scripture we understand God’s purpose is to create a family, the God family beginning with Adam and Eve. Every physical thing that God created, … [Read more...] about A Story of New Beginnings
The Garden of Eden
Scholars have long scratched their heads trying to figure out the exact location of the garden God planted eastward in Eden. That it is a physical place is not in doubt. Out of the ground the Eternal made trees grow that were pleasing to the sight and good for food. The garden was watered by a river, which then parted into four rivers. It was into this physical setting that man was placed with the instructions to tend and keep the garden. It must have been a fabulous environment as everything … [Read more...] about The Garden of Eden