Is there a more maligned name than the name of Jesus Christ? I just recently read something written by Jim Wallis who’s known as an evangelical pastor, a social activist, and a voice of the left-wing of the religious party, the religious left. He says: “It is essential that we understand the religious nature of our present crisis. At this point, “Jesus” is still a very useful tool in the hands of tyrants. The liberationists, socialists, barbarians, and Scythians can … [Read more...] about Conquering the Struggle
The 3 D’s of Satan’s Toolbox
I want to identify and explore three points of weakness that Satan can and will use to his advantage to manipulate followers of Christ to sin and to look at some ways we can counter his manipulation and strengthen these areas. These three points, I call “The 3 D’s of Satan’s Toolbox.” The first of these is doubt. Doubt is something that comes quite naturally to the human mind. I know this because every time I play golf, I doubt that I will do well. But in this current age we find … [Read more...] about The 3 D’s of Satan’s Toolbox
By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
In Luke 21 Christ is talking to His disciples who have asked Him what the sign will be that "these things" are about to take place. The time of the end is the context: Nations are rising up against nations, kingdom against kingdom. There are famines, pestilences and great earthquakes in various places. As we go further away from these beginning signs which we can observe today it’s going to get more difficult for God’s people as the end times draw nearer. It becomes more intensely … [Read more...] about By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
Overcome Evil With Good
Life’s difficulties, as many have experienced, arise from various possible angles. Sometimes we cause our own difficulties through poor decisions. However, trials also come through other people. Not necessarily from something we did to deserve it. But, wham! We get hit hard because of what somebody else does to us, often because their way of life is in opposition to ours. It becomes a tangled web, a path of carnage. People get caught in the middle and have profound effects on … [Read more...] about Overcome Evil With Good
Crucible Experiences
The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy near the end of his life and said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7). Once Paul had been called into a relationship with the Father, he had to endure all manner of difficulty and trials. He chronicles some of the difficulties he encountered in the letter he wrote to the brethren at Corinth (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). While most of us have never been beaten with whips and rods, shipwrecked, or … [Read more...] about Crucible Experiences